Uplifting Content...
Hosanna Broadcasting Network Inc. (HBN TV) is the voice of Jesus Christ, delivering informative, impactful, relevant, and cutting-edge content 24-hours a day. HBN TV’s platforms offer followers of the Christian faith, a wide range of programming featuring global ministries, preaching, praise and worship, lifestyle series and talk shows. Hosanna Broadcasting Network is the perfect way to stay connected to the gospel community and learn daily about the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Call for prayer
..”The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” – James 5:16
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Christian TV
Christian television brings a different flavor Christian-TV of information, knowledge, and awareness to its audience; offering another side of what secular media is portraying.
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Wholesome Family Programs
HBN TV provides wholesome television programs Christian TV family to fit the needs of the whole family. A significant portion of Hosanna Broadcasting Network (HBN-TV) is Christian Talk Shows.
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Hosanna Broadcasting provides 24/7 access to Christian content, including live sermons, worship, and music. It’s accessible from any device and offers a range of programs for spiritual growth and connecting with the Christian community.
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Here are some highly-rated binge-worthy shows to consider featured below:
We provide a digital platform to share the Incomparable word of God
Founder and President: Tersit Asrat